Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Week of Decisions

This is always the tricky part in any theatrical process. How do we make decisions about what to keep and in what order? How can we make these actions repeatable while still finding the joy and newness that we found while playing and improvising?

Our newest idea is to have the Court Jester (played above by Kayla) to guide the audience through the story, so that even when things get very melodramatic and heavy, she can remind us of the fun and connection to the audience.

We are also staging with a lot of fabric - it becomes evil powers, a wedding veil, babies, time passing, a wall. This week we are having to work out technicalities with such an unpredictable element so that we are safe, times to music, and still feel free to play out whatever is happening.

Decisions, here we come!

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